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Showing posts with the label Week 11

Week 11 Story: Desert vs Men

                                                              Two People sitting in a Morrocan Desert- Africa                                                                     Dessert vs Men  David was a merchant and right now was the beginning of Spring, This was the peak time to sell produce at the market in town. They lived out of the town and in order to get money for this month they needed to go into town where they would be able to sell their products. The only problem was that in order to get to the market he had to go cross the hot sandy desert to get the town. David prepared his wagon and oxen for the journey he also asked 6 of his workers ...

Reading Notes- Part B- Elephant Girly Face

THE ELEPHANT GIRLY-FACE Bibliography; Jataka Tales, Ellen C. Babbit , The Elephant Girly-Face The Elephant was named Girly-Face because he was gentle, good and kind. However, one day when some robbers came in Girly-Face overheard them talking and saying "A robber must not be afraid to kill. A robber must be cruel and have no pity. He must never be good, even for a moment." when Girly-Face heard this it thought the teaching it how to behave. So after that day it became evil, mean and ruthless even killing two keepers. After, figuring out why Girly-Face was acting this way they made two nice men talk by the elephant. The men said "It is wrong to hurt anyone. It is wrong to kill. Everyone should be gentle and good."Hearing the men's conversation Girly-Face thought to herself "Now those men are teaching me," thought Girly-face. "I must be gentle and good. I must hurt no one. I must not kill anyone.". After that day she returned to her kind...

Reading Notes Part A- The Sandy Road

Sandy Dessert  Bibliography- Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbit, The Sandy Road Moral of the story- Do not give up always keep trying  A merchant with his men and oxen traveled through the dessert with packed carts and rice, wood, and water they were trying to cross to the other side in order to sell their things. One person served as the pilot as he knew how to read the stars and they could only travel by night time due to the extremely hot sun the dessert provided. One day the pilot called to the rest of the men that they were almost there so they could throw away the water, rice, and wood. However, when the pilot took a nap something went wrong and the oxen had gone back and therefore they were stuck in the dessert not close to their destination and now without water and firewood. All the men were tried and the hot sun made them, even more, devasted to them they were doomed and they would most likely die here due to dehydration or starvation and oxen also grew weak...