Greed vs. Friendship Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Bhism Kaurava and Arandu Pandava. They lived in the large Kingdom of Indishina. Arandu’s father ruled the Kingdom and had a great relationship with their neighboring Kingdom Indivia, which Bhism’s father ruled. Because of the good relationship between their fathers the two young princes spent a lot of time together. They would play endlessly together and often have sleepovers at each other’s homes, they were more than friends they were like brothers. However, as time passed their duties as princes grew and their time together lessened. They both got married and made their own lives, they often thought of each other but now their friendship only existed as a childhood memory. When both became Kings of their kingdoms, greed for power took over their hearts. They became the most powerful Kingdoms as they kept conquering weaker Kingdoms and taking over their lands. For respect to their past friends...