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Biography: My Grandfather

My Grandfather

The birds chirped loudly as the morning sun shined through the window. I quickly got out of bed dressed in my favorite pink sparkly jumpsuit that abuelito (grandpa) had given me for my third birthday. I sat impatiently in my chair as mother did my hair “Monica, please sit still” mom said. Once done I ran out the door grabbed my lunchbox and ran to my grandparent’s house. “Mi ardillita ya llegaste” (My little chipmunk you’re here) he screamed from his room I ran to him to give him his hug and he did his regular routine, lifting me up in the air and spinning me around –it was my favorite ride. Once back in the ground he held my hand and we walked to our usual place to eat breakfast. We sat in a wooden bench abuelito built himself. It was in the middle of the garden,
surrounded by peach, mango, avocado, guava, lime, pomegranate, tangerine and orange trees. In the far left was the vegetable garden where carrots, cabbage, pumpkins, squash, and other vegetables grew with sparks of red and green from the tomato and chile plants. On the right was grandma’s and aunt’s flowers, there were many many flowers of all colors and types. We sat there and ate breakfast usually accompanied by casual talk. After breakfast, we made our way to the fields. I would help my grandpa attend the corn fields or just play around once the sun began to set we would make our way back home and sit once again in the bench to watch the sunset and talk through dinner. The times we wouldn’t go to the fields we would spend the whole day in the garden. I would listen to the stories of his travels around the world, as I listened, I would dream of traveling too. “Abueltio, Cuando sea grande podemos ir juntos a todos esos lugares” (Grandpa, when I go up can we go visit all those places together) I would ask him. He would smile and assure me we would. He would always give me life advice and help me with any of my problems, I would confine him my biggest secrets and would tell me endless stories of his life. It was never boring and before I knew it nighttime had come. My grandpa's feet were sick, he suffered from peripheral artery disease every night I would help my aunt attend them either by massaging them or cleaning the puss. Abuelito would always call me his mini doctor and I swore that when I grew up I would become the best doctor and cure his feet.

“MONICA, MONICA” I could hear my parents screaming, as I hid behind the bushes in the garden however not for long as I was found. “Pa, no quiero ir al norte me voy a quedar con abuelito” (Dad, I don’t want to go to the U.S. I want to stay with grandpa) I cried. I had been crying for hours we were going to leave to the States today, far, far away from grandpa. “Moni, we are always going to be together, we can talk on the phone every day and you’ll also come to visit, remember I am always with you okay,” abuelito said. After a long talk and lots of sobbing, I finally made my way to the car and left. My favorite time of the year was Christmas time because for 2 weeks we would spend time in Mexico and with abuelito. For the 2 weeks, nothing to different happened we spend our time in the gardens talking and attending the gardens. Year and year we would spend less time outside as abuelito began to grow older and weaker and needed more time to rest. I would roll his wheelchair to the gardens to get some sun, I would tell him stories and help him eat and at times watch over him as he slept.

We always sat together on this bench, now I sat all alone looking out the colorful sunset. Today had been his burial service his heart could take no more. I cried because I fell to see how truly sick he was, in my eyes he was the strongest and bravest man I now think he never wanted me to see him weak so he would always put a brave face on when I was with him. He was my best friend, when I was sad he would comfort me when I was happy he would celebrate with me when I was troubled he would help me find a solution we were partners in crime always together and always had each other’s back. Even though he is no longer with me physically he will always live in my memories and heart.

Authors note: This biography story is about my grandfather; he is one of the biggest influences in my life and a huge part of my childhood. He played a big part in who I have become today, his teaching and advice have followed me all throughout my life and he even played a huge part in my career choices. My grandpa was my biggest companion in my childhood he was always by my side and I grew very attached to him. I could not write about my life without mentioning him. I included some Spanish phrases, I tried not to do so much as I didn’t want people to have trouble reading my story in () I included the translations but if you need further explanation of a word (as some of it is slang please ask in the comments) I’m also sorry for it being a very long story but I hope you guys find it interesting.

Image source: Mural painting of a grandfather giving his granddaughter ice cream


  1. Monica, I loved reading about your grandpa and my condolences to you. It’s very hard to lose someone we love and cherish so much. I never met my dad’s dad (he passed away when my dad was very young), but my grandpa (on my mom’s side) is one of the most important people in my life (I also like to tell myself that I’m his favorite!). He has been a big part of my life since a was a baby and still is today. He lives in Dallas but I try to call him once a week to catch and see how he is doing and it truly is a highlight of my week just to talk to him.

  2. I absolutely loved your story Monica and I am sorry about your grandpa. I know how it hurts to lose the ones we love. Your story brought back some memories of when my grandparents were alive, and I actually found myself reminiscing during the read. I think this story really connects to people on a personal level who have lost loved ones. I really enjoyed your story because of how descriptive you were, I felt like I could visualize it in my head. I cannot wait to read more of your stories.


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