Wedding of Prince Rama and Princess Sita as depicted in 'The Ramayana' Image Source: Infinite Eyes in flicker I stood there for a moment staring at my reflection, my whole body embellished in the finest clothes and jewels. I still couldn't believe it, today is the day. My body was filled with nerves and excitement all at once. Suddenly a large smile adorned my face as I remembered our first encounter and the events that came after... After we successfully helped Vishvamitra win in the battle against the rakshasas, Lakshmana kept bothering me to accompany him in exploring the city. All I wanted to do was rest after the long day but after a lot of convincing I finally gave in. We were accompanied by a hermit and finally set out to explore the city of Mithila ruled by the great King Janaka. The city was beautiful and full of life and the smells from the marketplace filled our noses, we walked for a while and later made our way to King Janaka's palace, where w...